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FAQs: Massachusetts’ New Cannabis Rules

FAQs: Massachusetts’ New Cannabis Rules

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Everything You Need To Know About Massachusetts’ New Cannabis Rules

Considering all of the moving parts, it is pretty remarkable that the rollout of recreational cannabis in Massachusetts is on schedule for July 1, 2018. The Cannabis Control Commission debated for months to compose an infrastructure for recreational sales. Most of these rules regulate the supply of cannabis and not the purchase. But there is a little confusion as to new rules that directly affect patients and their ability to purchase and use cannabis in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Here are answers to the most common questions.


Have questions about medical marijuana rules in Massachusetts? If so, we’ve answered some of the most common ones below.

How Much Cannabis Are You Allowed To Have In Mass?

The state says you can have up to one ounce of cannabis in your possession while you are in public. If you are in a motor vehicle, that stash needs to be locked away out of public view. In the privacy of your home, you may store a 60-day supply of cannabis for your personal use. The current law estimates that amount to be 10 ounces of smokable cannabis.

Now That It’s Legal, Can I Sell Marijuana in Massachusetts?

No. It is still illegal to sell cannabis products to anybody else without a permit, and that is not likely to change anytime soon. Sharing is okay, though; the law permits giving a gift of up to one ounce of cannabis flower (or its concentrate equivalent) to another person. The only stipulations are that the other person must be of legal age, and you cannot accept any item or service in return.

Can I Use Marijuana Anywhere In Mass Now?

No. According to the standing marijuana rules in Massachusetts, you are still limited to consuming cannabis products only behind closed doors at a private residence. The Cannabis Control Commission continues to debate the logistics of “Social Use” permits which would allow public consumption at certain businesses. A decision on the matter is due by February 2019.

Why Would I Still Need My Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Card?

Keep in mind: None of the Massachusetts cannabis laws enacted thus far have changed. The Massachusetts Medical Cannabis Law is still in effect for those patients with qualifying conditions. There are many benefits to retaining your status as a medical cannabis patient:

● Medical cannabis patients are exempt from the statewide 17% marijuana tax as well as any taxes tacked on by local municipalities.

● Implementation of recreational delivery licenses has been delayed until at least the beginning of 2019. Revolutionary Clinics are already able to deliver quality cannabis products to our medical patients quickly and reliably.

● The law requires a minimum of 35% of inventory to be reserved for medical patients. If there is a heavier than normal volume of recreational cannabis sales, it’s unlikely that Revolutionary Clinics will run out of supply for our dispensary’s medical patients (even if word gets out about our daily and weekly deals!)

Where to Buy Medical Cannabis in Boston

Revolutionary Clinics has been at the forefront of the medical cannabis revolution, and we are more than ready for the wave of new recreational customers to come. Visit us at our convenient location in Somerville and find out what makes us the best cannabis dispensary in the Boston area.



2 Responses

  1. This is my second time around with my 60 day supply. Have 10 grams showing as available, and that number has not changed in days. ? How does this recycle?? Ty

    1. Best thing to do is to call the Cannabis Control Commission, which is taking over administration of the Medical Marijuana Program from the DPH. Here is some information:
      “For more details, contact the Medical Marijuana Program Support Center at (617) 660-5370 or by email at MedicalMarijuana@state.ma.us.

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