Medical & Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries located in Massachusetts
Rev is more than a retail store where patients can buy weed in Mass and access curated, medical-grade cannabis in Boston and beyond. Rev is a community of cannabis advocates — we encourage our patients, customers, and partners to continuously expand their cannabis education and knowledge to maximize healing potential.
In our Blog, you’ll find interesting articles for cannabis users of all levels, covering a variety of cannabis-related topics. Along with original weed recipes and explorations with resident Rev experts, you’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by cannabis users in Massachusetts.
It’s a fascinating time to live in Massachusetts where medical marijuana was legalized in 2013 and recreational marijuana shops have been popping up all over the state since legalization took
At Revolutionary Clinics, we’re proud to offer a friendly, comfortable experience at our dispensaries plus the convenience of cannabis home delivery to your door. We do everything we can to
From free parking to our compassionate staff of experts, making Revolutionary Clinics dispensaries as enjoyable as possible to visit is a huge part of our commitment to every patient’s satisfaction
February is American Heart Month and at Revolutionary Clinics, we think this is a good time for a conversation about heart health and cannabis. As much as we believe in
Medical marijuana has been legal in Massachusetts since 2013 but what happens if you’re contemplating a career change and the company you’re interviewing with has a drug policy? What if
If you’re just beginning to explore the world of medical marijuana and you’re curious what dabbing is and why you’ve heard so much about it, then this article is for
Whether it was your 7th grade Health teacher, your childhood friend’s mom, or your high school guidance counselor, at some point in your life someone told you a terrifying tale
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67 Broadway St.
Somerville MA 02145
MED Mon-Sat: 10:00AM-8:00PM
Sun: 11AM-4PM
REC Mon-Sat: 10:00AM-9:00PM
Sun: 11AM-4PM
130 Pioneer Drive
Leominster, MA 01453
Mon-Sat: 10AM-7:55PM
Sun: 12PM-5PM