What makes up great cannabis? Hint: It’s not just THC.
THC might be the best-known element of cannabis, but it’s far from the only ingredient. Although we’re seeing more weed products with higher and higher levels of THC, there are
Medical & Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries located in Massachusetts
Rev is more than a retail store where patients can buy weed in Mass and access curated, medical-grade cannabis in Boston and beyond. Rev is a community of cannabis advocates — we encourage our patients, customers, and partners to continuously expand their cannabis education and knowledge to maximize healing potential.
In our Blog, you’ll find interesting articles for cannabis users of all levels, covering a variety of cannabis-related topics. Along with original weed recipes and explorations with resident Rev experts, you’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by cannabis users in Massachusetts.
THC might be the best-known element of cannabis, but it’s far from the only ingredient. Although we’re seeing more weed products with higher and higher levels of THC, there are
Do you want to try growing cannabis at home, but not sure where to start? Are you interested in learning more about the cannabis plant itself and the weed harvesting
Tissue culture is a form of propagation, which is the breeding of plants from its parent. Many farming, forestry, and horticulture specialists use tissue culture, as do many in the
March is Women’s History Month, and we’re taking the opportunity to highlight Barbari Herbal Spliffs — one of our most popular products at Rev! This International Women’s Day, we spoke
Daylight Savings 2022 is coming up on March 13th, making our clocks “spring forward” by one hour. During this time of year, many people worry about catching up on sleep
As many cannabis users are aware, it’s important to store your cannabis properly to maintain maximum shelf life. But it’s just as important to protect weed by keeping it in
Cannabis is legal in Massachusetts for both recreational and medicinal purposes. But the specific regulations surrounding Massachusetts pot laws are complex, and laws have been modified since they were passed
Guatemalan purple haze grown outdoors by ganja shaman. Fully man, keif gummies are the indoor equivalent of body high super mellow. Dude you’re just being paranoid, don’t call the cops.
The first time you use cannabis, it feels amazing — pain relief, euphoria, and calmness of mind and body wash over you with full healing potential. However, after a while,
2021 has been a year of overcoming challenges, adjusting to rapid changes, and returning to some sense of “normal”. This year at Rev, we’ve continued to dedicate ourselves to doing
This tasty cookie recipe is easy to prepare, infuse, and devour — simply choose the i am edible chocolate bar of your choice and plop it on top of a
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67 Broadway St.
Somerville MA 02145
MED Mon-Sat: 10:00AM-8:00PM
Sun: 11AM-4PM
REC Mon-Sat: 10:00AM-9:00PM
Sun: 11AM-4PM
130 Pioneer Drive
Leominster, MA 01453
Mon-Sat: 10AM-7:55PM
Sun: 12PM-5PM