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Cannabis for Chronic Insomnia

Cannabis for Chronic Insomnia

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have a hard time sleeping at night, you may be feeling like every ad on the radio, TV and internet was targeted at you. From pillow inventors to billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, from mom’s warm milk before bedtime routine to your friend’s white noise machine, it seems like everyone has a solution to your sleeping problem yet you’re still tossing and turning.

Before we discuss how cannabis can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, let’s start by stressing just how important a good night’s sleep is to your mental and physical health.  Sleep is every bit as important as air, water, and food but for far too many of us, getting the recommended eight hours of sleep every night is virtually impossible. At Revolutionary Clinics, we can’t make your life less busy or your job less stressful, and we certainly can’t make your neighbors stop playing loud music or keep your kids from waking up in the middle of the night. What we can do, is connect you with a cannabis product with the right amount of CBD or THC that may help you physically relax, lighten your mood, and increase the chances of you enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep.

We need to state that while our experiences with cannabis as a treatment for chronic insomnia have not yet been scientifically proven we’ve had hundreds of well-rested customers tell us that cannabis has helped them fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Here’s why cannabis could be better than sleeping pills:

Cannabis is not a sedative

If the thought of taking a sedative scares you, it should. Sedatives are powerful narcotics that target the brain and force it into sleep mode the same way the drugs that anesthesiologists use to prepare patients for surgery. The power of sedatives makes them dangerous, both for their overdose potential as well as their habit forming potential.

Cannabis is known as a mood enhancer and pain reliever

Instead of switching off your brain, THC encourages sleep by minimizing the effects of anxiety to bring on a calm, restful state of mind. CBD acts as a pain reliever and encourages sleep through its soothing, restorative effects. When you have less physical pain and/or your mind is less active or stressed, you’re much more likely to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Cannabis is not addictive

The myths of cannabis being the gateway drug to opioids has been debunked for decades. According to the Canabo Medical Clinic: “While it’s also possible to build a tolerance for medicinal cannabis over time, it’s exceedingly rare (if not impossible) to develop a physical dependence.”This is not to say that you can take as much cannabis as you want, but the risks of overdosing and become addicted are significantly less than prescribed sedatives.

Choosing the right product

So how do you know which cannabis product can help you sleep better at night? That’s where your friendly neighborhood Revolutionary Clinics patient advocates come in. Our experienced staff will ask you about your sleeping habits, listen to the things that are keeping you up at night and connect you with the right product for your situation. If you’re ready to see how cannabis can help your chronic insomnia, give us a call today!

6 Responses

    1. Many MMJ patients find that products that are high in CBN can help with sleep. We do carry a number of these products. Come to one of our dispensaries at your nearest convenience and we can discuss the various options.

  1. Hi Jonah, My name is Rebecca, I work in a sleep research lab in Boston. Our physicians are in the process of determining a clinic policy regarding MMJ for patients. We have so many patients requesting their Doctor’s opinion, but most physicians have not seen any randomized clinical trials to convince them. I would love to compile a packet of information on MMJ for insomnia to help enable the clinic to establish an MMJ friendly policy. Is this something you could assist with?

    1. The two biggest reasons people come to Revolutionary Clinics is for pain management and for help with sleep. Our patient advocates would love to talk to you about what has worked for some of our other patient’s, and to show you what types of products are recommended to help get a better night’s rest.

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